Beyond the mind, there is only Wholeness that cannot be divided. There, the experience, the experiencer, and the experienced do not exist

– Santosh Sachdeva

Beyond the mind, there is only Wholeness that cannot be divided. There, the experience, the experiencer, and the experienced do not exist.

– Santosh Sachdeva

Santosh Sachdeva

Santosh Sachdeva is the author of The Kundalini Trilogy and other books on the subject of Kundalini. She writes with graceful simplicity and also devotes her time to the mentoring of aspirants in their spiritual meditation and practice. She lives in South Mumbai, India.
Today, Santosh Sachdeva counsels aspirants on the path and provides guidance on any questions and clarifications they might have regarding meditation and Kundalini yoga. She conducts weekly group meditations online and at times at her residence for students of The Eight Spiritual Breaths, who are interested in a regular practice.


Santosh Sachdeva’s awakening has been unique from the perspective that she was taken through her entire journey with visions that surfaced within her mind’s eye during her daily meditations. These visions were illustrated by her and depict the several phases the human body and mind go through in the process of awakening. Some of the illustrations are available as prints.

Kundalini Print – Shower Of Gold

Shower Of Gold

Shower Of Gold
Kundalini Print – Surrender To The Guru
Surrender To The Guru
Kundalini Print – Flaming Wings
Flaming Wings
Meditating Among Stars
Meditating Among Stars
Untitled design

Enhance your Potential with a
set of Powerful Breathing Exercises

The Eight Spiritual Breaths

The Eight Spiritual Breaths is a powerful system of Kundalini Yoga that leads to personal transformation and conscious evolution. It is based on the Brahma Vidya Course founded by Swami Ramanathan in Mumbai. There are many practical health and wellness benefits of practicing The Eight Spiritual Breaths.
The Eight Spiritual Breaths help to:


“The dream-like visions presented by Santosh Sachdeva are very good, and they represent the blessings of the Masters to this generation. Tapasvis like Mahavatar Babaji, who have been engaged in ascetic practices for hundreds of years in the mountains in India, can thus enlighten any jiva. Yet there are hundreds of thousands of beings to choose from, and at least thousands of Sadhus who can be so blessed. The reason for her being singled out for this honour is that she too has been a part of the stream of Sadhus life afterlife, and this is the culmination of her own Punya karma involving hundreds of years of Sadhana. Every single atom of her body has become receptive to the teachings of the Masters, and this book is the result. This is the rarest of rare occurrences, a Mahadurlabh yoga in the physical world. I suggest, therefore, that she diligently continues this practice to illustrate the workings of the Kundalini.”

Param Pujya Swami Gagangirinath Maharaj

Gagangiri Yogashram, Khopoli, Maharashtra

Santosh sheds light on the important aspects of Kundalini for aspirants. View her Youtube channel for more videos.


Santosh shares experiential insights on aspects of the Kundalini, Meditation, Chakras, and other related topics.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)