
The author shares practical insights on aspects of the Kundalini, Meditation, Chakras, and other related topics to help boost the knowledge of our audience through such informative topics.

Last Days With The Guru

“Guru is pure effulgent spirit, the dispeller of darkness, the epitome of what each individual aspires to be. His domain is the spirit and it is to guide us into this realm he appears. Once the link with the Guru is established, time cannot change it nor death eradicate it. It is a permanent union....

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Caution: Hairpin Bend Ahead (Life Positive, 2007)

In August 1995, I was introduced by a friend to a course in self-development conducted by late Justice M. L. Dudhat. The course comprised of lectures, scientific spiritual breathing exercises, and affirmations. My life, for the last decade, had passed through a series of crisis-filled events. This course seemed like a peaceful, healing exercise. Little...

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Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati defines Kundalini at two levels: “The cosmic manifestation of maha prana (the great prana) in the individual body is represented by Kundalini. The entire cosmic experience from creation to dissolution is embedded within the folds of Kundalini, hence it is known as the universal energy.

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Prana (the life force) is the eternal, universal, vital life force, which is in constant motion. “The cosmic manifestation of prana in the individual body is represented by Kundalini. On one level it is the macrocosmos in the form of Kundalini shakti; on the other it is microcosmos in the form of prana shakti. To...

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The gracious Kundalini, after having given me the visual knowledge of Its movement and the functioning of prana (the life force), moved on to the next step of teaching me how the chakra system in the subtle body works.

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Vibrations And Vibratory Levels

“Everything is energy in motion.” – Pir Vilayat After having gained some understanding of the role of prana (the life force) and the chakras in the body-mind organism, the next thing I became aware of was the Vibrations.

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Power Of Affirmations

After having gained some understanding of the role of prana (the life force) and the chakras in the body-mind organism, the next thing I became aware of was the Vibrations. “Every thought takes shape and becomes visible in colour and form.” – Liu Hua-Yang (1794)

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In Search Of A Guru (A Disciple’s View)

After having gained some understanding of the role of prana (the life force) and the chakras in the body-mind organism, the next thing I became aware of was the Vibrations and the role of Affirmations that help to create balance. This awakening has been possible by being constantly aware and surrendered to the energy field...

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Mind And Meditation

After having gained some understanding of the role of prana (the life force) and the chakras in the body-mind organism, the next thing I became aware of was the Vibrations and the role of Affirmations that help to create balance. This awakening has been possible by being constantly aware and surrendered to the energy field...

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Nada And The Golden Egg

“Sound is a form of energy which has frequency, pitch, volume, tone and also subtle qualities.” – Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati The first time I became aware of a peculiar sound in the ear was when I joined the course in Brahma Vidya. This sound has become a constant companion. It is a very tinny sound...

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A symbol is a visual representation created by an artist, that helps us grasp the essence of the idea which lies behind it. Symbols can represent religious and cultural icons, or corporate and brand identities. Over a period of time, repeated exposure to a symbol and what it stands for, gets embedded in our minds...

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The Spiritual Heart

My Guru said that when God wanted to manifest Himself in every animate and inanimate thing, Creation happened. Master Charles Cannon of the Synchronicity Foundation, USA, explains it this way: “As one Source Consciousness fragments Itself in multi-dimensional experience from subtle to dense, holistic awareness is forfeited. The speed of relative oscillation decelerates and the...

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Shanishcharya (Shani)

Shani (Saturn), as the dark god is popularly known, is the son of Surya, the sun god, and his wife Chhaya. When the Shani dasha (periods) or aspect is indicated in our astrological chart, we become apprehensive and fearful because he is a demanding god. In the scriptures, it is said that Shani renders justice...

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Shambala: The Mystical Mountain

Shambala is a mystic mountain at a certain vibratory level where the great siddhas (yogic masters), reside. Here, alongside their on-going sadhana (spiritual practice), they also monitor the activities of our world. They are constantly watching and guiding genuine and worthy aspirants on the spiritual path.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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