Kundalini A Gentle Force (earlier titled Conscious Flight into the Empyrean)

A Visual Journey In Meditation

Kundalini A Gentle Force (earlier titled Conscious Flight into the Empyrean) is a touching revelation of the mystical experience, brought to us by a modern woman of the Nineties. 

The author learns meditation and in a flash she is catapulted into a world where pillars of light flower within, twinkling stars encircle her form, snakes twirl on top of her head, and invisible hands clean out the inside of her head with tiny brushes and other instruments. She travels through tunnels of light, has brief glimpses of past lives, and zooms into the incredible experience of oneness with the universe, becoming the sky, the river and the sea! This rare depiction of the visual unfolding of the Kundalini energy challenges conventional views of perception and experience.
The book is a first hand account of an extraordinary voyage into the subtle realms; with the author’s own illustrations of the visions seen in her daily meditations.

Other Books

Santosh’s books cover the subjects of Kundalini, Chakras, Meditation and related topics. The central theme in the books is her visual journey in meditation, that led to her spiritual awakening. She writes with grace, ease and lightness.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)