The Kundalini Trilogy

The Complete Set – A Landmark In Kundalini Meditation

This set includes Kundalini A Gentle Force (earlier titled Conscious Flight Into The Empyrean), Kundalini Diary and Kundalini Awakening. The three Kundalini books are a first-hand account describing, in vivid detail, the author’s extraordinary journey into the subtle realms. Accompanied by her own illustrations of the visions seen in daily meditations, they are in the form of a daily journal written in a simple language that the reader can identify with easily.

Santosh’s work is pioneering and unprecedented in visually and symbolically representing many of the important processes and changes, transformations and insights that occur when the chakras are activated by the aroused Kundalini. The forms and scenes witnessed by the inner eye are seen in all their clarity and resonate with spiritual energy. The books serve as a reference map with significant signposts on the Kundalini journey.
The reader is taken on a rapid tour, through many different and unusual states of consciousness, that accesses several global mythic themes. Revealed thereby are hopeful lessons in how astonishingly similar humans actually are, all attempts to assert the contrary notwithstanding. The experiences narrated range freely over the collective consciousness of humankind. Containing practical, experiential wisdom for all those who are on the path of meditation and the Kundalini, they also outline the broad principles of the Kundalini experience within which you can easily find your own individual context.
Here is living proof that the Kundalini is not to be dreaded but can become a good and wisely loving friend.

Other Books

Santosh’s books cover the subjects of Kundalini, Chakras, Meditation and related topics. The central theme in the books is her visual journey in meditation, that led to her spiritual awakening. She writes with grace, ease and lightness.

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